Apex Asia Chief Finance Officer Qing Yuan
Qingyuan has over 20 years of experience in private equity fund management and real estate sectors. Prior to joining Apex Asia, she worked for funds investing in hybrid asset classes such as self-storage, data centre, car parks which blend real estate with end consumers and technology in multiple Asian countries. While working as LimeTree Capital’s China COO and CFO, she participated in raising over US$700mn in equity commitment from international institutional investors and building up its nationwide investment platform. She also worked at Credit Suisse’s Hong Kong and Singapore offices focusing on high yield debts and pre-IPO principal investments in SE Asia and China. She started her career with CapitaLand’s Singapore headquarter and also worked in its Shanghai and Beijing offices. Qingyuan holds a first class honour’s degree in Accounting from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore and an MBA degree from The University of Chicago. She is a Chartered Accountant in Singapore.